Resources to combat disconnection.

Adjusting to Life in Canada: Combatting Isolation as a Newcomer

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Summary of Issue

  • Cultural Adjustment: Newcomers may face challenges adjusting to a new culture and social norms.
  • Language Barriers: Difficulty in communicating due to language differences can hinder social interactions.
  • Building Connections: It takes time and effort to establish new social networks in a new country.


Moving to a new country is a significant life change that brings both excitement and challenges. For newcomers to Canada, integrating into a new society and building social connections can be daunting. Understanding the barriers to social connection and exploring solutions can help newcomers feel more at home and supported in their new environment.

Why the Barrier Exists

Several factors contribute to the social disconnection experienced by newcomers to Canada:

Stat from the 2023 Canadian Social Connection Survey: According to the survey, 43.3% of newcomers to Canada (immigrants and refugees who have been in Canada for less than 10 years) reported being lonely. Interestingly, 57% of immigrants (recent or not) report being lonely. It seems that immigrants in Canada become lonelier over time (about 1.32 times lonelier), because the newcomer rate is much lower (43.3%).

Several factors contribute to this barrier:

  • Cultural Adjustment: Adapting to new cultural norms and social practices can be challenging and may lead to feelings of isolation.
  • Language Barriers: Limited proficiency in English or French can make it difficult for newcomers to communicate and build relationships.
  • Limited Social Networks: Newcomers often arrive without an established social network, making it harder to connect with others.
  • Employment and Economic Challenges: Finding employment and achieving economic stability can be stressful, leaving less time and energy for social activities.

Recommended Solutions

To reduce the negative impact of relocating to a new country on social connections and social health, consider these strategies:

  • Learn the Language: Enroll in language classes to improve proficiency in English or French, which will enhance communication and social interactions.
  • Join Community Groups: Participate in local community organizations, cultural associations, or newcomer support groups to meet others in similar situations.
  • Attend Local Events: Get involved in community events, festivals, and activities to learn more about Canadian culture and meet new people.
  • Seek Employment Support: Utilize employment services and resources to find job opportunities and connect with colleagues.
  • Volunteer: Volunteering can provide a sense of purpose and facilitate social interactions while giving back to the community.

By actively seeking out social interactions and participating in community activities, newcomers to Canada can reduce the negative impacts of social isolation, disconnection and loneliness, and foster stronger, more meaningful connections in their new environment.

Expert Insight

“Upon arrival to a new country, feelings of loneliness and isolation arose due to the distance from family and friends. Many participants expressed difficulties finding and creating new meaningful connections when they first arrived in Canada, resulting in mental health challenges.” (Fong et al., 2024)

Community Resources/Solutions

To help manage the impact of being a newcomer to Canada, various organizations and groups provide support and opportunities for improved social connection and social health:

  • Description: Searchable list of newcomer services by city and specialty (careers, language classes, etc).
  • How it Helps: Provides an easy way to find reputable support organizations near you. 
  • Contact Information: Through the website, access contact information for specific services. –
  • GenWell
    • Description: Is Canada’s Human Connection Movement and is working to educate, empower and catalyze Canadians around the importance of their social health. 
    • How it Helps: They provide tips, tools, resources and campaigns that can inspire social connection for all Canadians 
    • Contact Information: Visit website at for more information. 
    • Description: A non-profit organization dedicated to supporting immigrant and refugee communities in Canada.
    • How it Helps: Provides settlement services, employment programs, and language training.
    • Contact Information: Phone: 1-866-277-3553
  • YMCA Canada
    • Description: Offers programs and services to support newcomers to Canada.
    • How it Helps: Regional outlets offer tailored programs to assist newcomers to Canada. 
    • Contact Information: Visit website for local branch details
  • Meetup
    • Description: A platform for finding and building local communities, connecting people with similar interests.
    • How it Helps: Encourages participation in local social groups and events, reducing isolation.
    • Contact Information: Visit website for local group details.

Further Reading

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At GenWell, we understand social isolation, feelings of disconnection and loneliness and how they can affect anyone. The GenWell Hub helps you explore how these challenges impact your well-being with insights on how to strengthen your social health.


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